داستان آبیدیک

servant leadership


1 عمومی:: رهبری خدمتگزار

The purpose of this research was to test the theory of servant leadership that relates servant leadership (independent or predictor variable) to job satisfaction (dependent or outcome variable) for employees in a Colorado nonprofit organization. There were five key findings for this study using the Organizational Leadership Assessment (OLA) to measure both servant leadership and job satisfaction: (a) the OLA overall mean score (252.59) with item mean score (4.21) for servant leadership and the associated organizational health level (Org 5, Servant, Excellent Health), (b) the overall mean score (27.01) with item mean score (4.50) for job satisfaction and the associated organizational health level (Org 6, Servant, Optimal Health), (c) the statistically significant Pearson's correlation coefficient between servant leadership and job satisfaction (r = .680, p < .001, 2-tailed), (d) the coefficient of determination for servant leadership and job satisfaction (r2 = .463), (e) and the statistically significant Pearson's correlation coefficient between the demographic category level in organization and job satisfaction (r = -.225, p = .033, 2-tailed). highest scores for servant leadership and job satisfaction from the OLA survey. The high scores for servant leadership and job satisfaction from the OLA survey, coupled with the statistically significant correlations between job satisfaction and servant leadership and job satisfaction and level in the organization, indicate that servant leadership is a prominent variable affecting job satisfaction.

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2 :: رهبری خدمت‌گذار

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